Winter Editions is currently distributed to the trade by Asterism Books, which offers a 40% discount to booksellers. You can get deeper discounts if you pay upfront.

To order books for your store directly from WE or to obtain review copies, please contact us at WE [at] We offer a 50% discount with no returns policy. If you need books for an event or a class and would like to be able to return unsold copies, we offer a 40% discount.

If you’d like to stock one or two copies of everything we publish, drop us a line and we’ll set up a standing order.


For individual titles, please order directly from Asterism Books, however, some of our special editions are only available direct. To place a direct order for individual titles, or to start a standing order, just drop us an email at WE [at] If it’s easier, you can purchase the Library Subscription here.


WE does not discount our books for individual website orders so as not to compete with independent booksellers. Please consider a subscription to get all our books and support our project.

You can also order many of our titles from Asterism Books and support this new community-oriented small press distributor.

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For a full list of WE publications, both printed and planned, see here.